Illustration from “The Tinderbox” by H. J. Ford, The Yellow Fairy Book.
Writing Magazine is currently hosting an adult fairy tale short story competition! It can either be a reimagining of an old classic or completely original, as the competition states that the fairy tale theme is “fairly loose, admittedly“.
Word count must be between 1,500-1,700 words and the closing date is 15 October, 2018. Full rules, eligibility and entry form can be found at Writers Online. Entry fee is £6 (or £4 if you’re a subscriber to the magazine).
I’ve recently been writing different short stories based on fairy tales and folklore, so I thought this was perfect! But then I realised that the word count was way under what any of my recent shorts come in at… so it’s time to write a new one! Luckily, I already had a fitting idea lined up for my next short. I’ll just have to make sure I come in under the word limit to ensure it’s eligible for this lovely little competition.