I’ve been fairly quiet recently and I aim for that to change now that 2019 is here. Here is a break down of my aims for the new year:
- The Artist’s Way – someone kindly bought me this amazing book by Julia Cameron for Christmas and I fully plan to try out its 12-week course and hopefully see some wonderfully creative results! In particular, I aim to really stick with the morning pages even past the course to ensure I don’t get out of the habit of writing. Someone once told me that your creativity is like a muscle and if you don’t exercise it then it will won’t be as strong. Time to get exercising!
- Update my blog more often even if it isn’t necessarily about writing, but encompasses life events and things I’m up to. All good writing practice after all!
- Read more. I need to start reading some of my (rather horrendous) pile of shame books that I haven’t even touched. Some absolute corkers in there that I am desperate to read and I just need to dedicate the time.
- Submit more short stories. I don’t know why I’ve let this lapse. I was short-listed in a competition at the end of last year and so it was a really positive experience and should have given me a burst of new energy, but my motivation just trailed off.
- Finish Wolfrik. I’m past the half-way mark!
- Finish NaNoWriMo properly. Whilst I did take part, I did not reach the goal of 50k words. I can blame my trip to France half-way through November all I want, but I know that I just lost motivation.
If I manage to stick to even half of these I will be happy, but I’d love to be successful on all these points. Fingers crossed!