Time Magazine recently released its list of the 100 Best Fantasy Books of All Time, which prompted me to think that this would make a great reading challenge. It’s a shame the list didn’t come out sooner, as New Year’s would have been a great target to have it finished by, but there’s just not enough time! My aim is to read and review them all as quickly as possible. I’ve already read a fair few of these before, but I will be re-reading them again for the challenge and to refresh my memory for a decent review write up.
I worked it out and there are twenty titles that I have read completely, and interestingly there are a fair few on the list that I already own that have been sitting on my TBR shelf! For example, I just picked up Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia and finished reading it last night, and this is on the list. It means I can get started straight away! I have ordered a few more titles, I’ll probably use my local library for some books, and my friends have also offered to lend me some titles I don’t own.
The other interesting thing about challenging myself this way is there is one title that I own and started reading ages ago that I couldn’t get into. I’ll be intrigued as to how I get on with this book a second time around. Additionally, there is one book on there that I read years ago and really disliked, so I wonder if I will still dislike it on a second read through.